Sunday, May 31, 2009
Gymboree Steals!

Be a Mommy Tester for Parenting Mag!!

Costco Offers a New Freebie: Degree

Periodically, Costco offers up free samples, just like Walmart. You do NOT have to be a member at Costco in order to get in on these freebies. Their newest offering: Men's Degree Absolute Protection. Go here to snag your freebie.
Old Navy Weekly Reset TONIGHT??!!

I figured I had missed this today, as I am just now making it to the computer, but I just checked Old Navy Weekly's site, and it appears that the hidden coupons that were supposedly going to be reset today, have yet to appear!! So, I plan to keep checking in throughout the evening and see if I can score a high-dollar coupon.
Have no idea what I'm talking about? Old Navy has been hiding coupons (literally) around their site for several weeks now. There are various coupons, but the best one has been $75 off a $100 purchase! Sweet! I still would like to get my hands on that one. The best I've been able to score so far is a $10 off $50 purchase, but that came in handy last week when they had their additional 50% off clearance items.
Anyway, I'll let you know if I have an update tonight on where any coupons might be hidden. You basically have to hunt around the site, clicking on different things, dragging items to new areas of the site. (last week I had to place a beach bag in the hand of a mannequin to get my $10 coupon). Let me know if you find anything as well, so I can post it for others. Hurry though...these coupons go fast!!
Free Panty, Monday ONLY!!

I LOVE deals like this one!! Victoria's Secret is offering up a FREE panty, no purchase necessary, to the first 100 customers in their store tomorrow, Monday, June 1st. You must have the coupon to get the freebie, but you gotta love a no purchase necessary freebie!! They also have a coupon for $10 off a $50 purchase at the same link, also valid Monday ONLY.
Can't make it in tomorrow but still want a deal? With this coupon, you can get $10 off any regular priced bra through June 14th.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Office Depot FAR Deals this Week

Office Depot has several Free After Rebate items in their flier this week. I think I might have to take advantage of a few of these! You can check out more detail in their online flier, but here is the basic run-down:
- Roxio Easy VHS to DVD: FREE after $10 easy instant & $50 mail-in pre-paid Visa card
- Norton Internet Security 2009: FREE after $5 instant, $20 Upgrade (current users), and $45 Mail-in savings
- Art Explosion t-Shirt Factory Deluxe: FREE after $30 mail-in savings
- Simple Scrapbooks: FREE after $40 mail-in savings
- CheckIt Registry Cleaner: FREE after $30 mail-in savings
- Sharp Calculator: FREE after $4 mail-in pre-paid Visa card
If you are planning to get more than one rebate item, I would suggest getting them in separate transactions. Happy shopping!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
NO COUPON Reminder
Sorry, gals, no coupons are scheduled to appear in this Sunday's paper due to the holiday. So, you can take a break from clipping and take this coupon-free weekend time to organize your coupons. If you are anything like me, you have LOTS of organizing to do!!! Happy Memorial Day!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
FREE Candy Bars!!!

Have you heard of the Mars candy FREE candy Fridays promotion?? Be one of the first 250,000 to register here each Friday (starting at 9am), and get a coupon for a FREE candy bar mailed to you in approximately 6 weeks!! I scored mine just now, so there are still some left for this week. Who can't use a little FREE chocolate???
Thanks for the reminder, Hip2Save!
Hot Deals on Kids Clothes at Amazon!!

I did a little browsing on Amazon this morning and found that The Children's Place has some AWESOME markdowns!! The above pictured girls cork sandals are just .99!! Lots of shirts are priced at $1.99, PJ sets for 2 bucks, shoes for $2.99. Go check it out, and let me know if you score any great deals!!!
Oh, and to maximize your savings, consider cashing in your Swagbucks for a $5 Amazon giftcard! It's like getting $5 more for FREE!!!
**In my past experience, great prices like this go fast, so don't delay!**
100 Free Prints for New Members

Photofun is offering 100 free prints to new members! What a deal! Now, I've not used this company before, but I've found them all to be quite similar. I plan to take them up on this deal, as I am severely behind on printing pictures, let alone getting any in an album!! Shipping is not included in this deal, but it is only about $4 for the 100 prints, making them each $0.04, which is still a great price (plus, they're delivered right to your door. Can't get any easier than that!)
FREE Treat at Wendy's

Anyone up for a free treat at Wendy's this weekend?? I'm thinking it will be a nice little reward after saving so much money at Old Navy and Osh Kosh B'gosh! You can go here to print a BOGO coupon for their new Coffee Toffee Twisted Frosty or the Frosty-cino drink. They both look quite yummy. Has anyone tried them yet??
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Lowe's Build & Grow Kid's Workshops

Lowe's has a cute project planned for this Saturday's Kids Workshop--a Ready-To-Go Kit. You can go here for more information and to sign up. Could be a fun FREE project for the kids and daddy this weekend!!
Head's Up: the project for 6/13 is an adorable putting green!!
$1 Flip Flops!!
Save at Osh Kosh this Weekend!!

I'm excited about this one. I LOVE Osh Kosh B'gosh clothes for my boys and it looks like this could add up to some great deals!
This weekend, May 21-25 , the ENTIRE store is 50% off!! Plus, there is a 20% off purchase of $40 or more coupon ... AND through June 14th, you can get a $10 Play card (similar to the Gymbucks promos at Gymboree) for every $25 you spend! (Play Card redeemable June 15-July 4 on any $35 purchase)
Our KC store is at the Legends of Village West by the race track. I do believe you can find me there sometime this weekend for sure!!
Hen House May 20-26

Alas, more deals to be had at Hen House:
Triscuits or Wheat Thin Crackers, $1.58
- $1 IP = .58 each!
Farmland Jumbo Franks, .99
no coupon, but good price!
KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce, .88 each
No coupon, but decent price
Kraft Salad Dressing, $1.49
- $1 IP = .49 each
Kruncher's Potato Chips, 2 for $5
- $1 4/19SS = $1.50 each!
Planter's Cashews, 2 for $5
- $1 IP = $1.50 each
McCormick Marinade Mix, .59
-.50 IP or $1/2 4/19 or 5/3 RP = .09 each!!
(I am not 100% sure this coupon will work on these, but it's worth a shot!)
McCormick Grill-Mates, $1.36
-.50 IP or $1/2 4/19 or 5/3 RP = .86 each
Cattlemen's BBQ Sauce, $1.38
-.75 IP = .63 each
Kraft American Singles, $1.49
- $1/2 IP = .99 each!
Philadelphia Cream Cheese, $1.49
- $1/2 IP = .99 each!
Kraft Velveeta, $3.66
- $1 IP = $2.66
Yoplait Go-Gurt, $1.98
- $1/2 IP = $1.48
Chinet Plates, $1.98
- $1 IP = .98 each
Chinet Napkins, $1.48
- $1 IP = .48
A1 Steak Sauce, $2.66
- $1 IP = $1.66 each!!
Tombstone Frozen Pizza, $3.66
- $1/2 IP = $3.16 each
Price Chopper May 20-26

Price Chopper has a few decent deals worth mentioning as well this week. Here's what I found to be the best deals out of their ad: (Remember, you must use your Chopper Card to get these prices)
Coke product 12-pks, 5 for $12 (must buy 5 to get this price)
- $1 IPs redeemed from mycokerewards.com, if you have them = $1.40 each
Oscar Mayer Wieners, .97
-$1/2 IP = .47 each!!
Wonder Hamburger or Hot Dog buns, .77
no coupons, but a good price. Remember these freeze pretty well...
Farmland Marinated Pork Chops, Loin Fillets, or Tenderloins, BOGO
Fast Fixin' chicken bites, frozen, $3.99
- .75 MQ March All You magazine = $3. 24 each
McCormick's Grill Mates seasonings, 2/$3
-.50 IP or $1/2 5/3 RP = $1 each
Plater's mixed nuts, $2.99
-$1 IP = $1.99 each!
Planter's Peanuts, 2/$5
-$1 IP = $1.50 each!
Purex 2x liquid detergent 2/$5
no coupons, but a good price for a good detergent
Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese, $1.79
-$1/2 IP = $1.29 each!
Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, $1.19
-$1/2 IP = .69 each!!
Velveeta, $4.39
-$1 IP = $3.39 each
Tombstone Pizza 3/$10
-$1/2 IP = $2.83 each
HyVee, May 20-26

Here are the best deals I see this week at Hy-Vee. These deals make for some decent meals on the grill in coming weeks!!
Oscar Mayer hotdogs .99
-$1/2 IP (no longer available?? I can't seem to locate the link any more!)
= .50 each
85% Lean Ground Beef 1.79/lb.
(no coupon, unless you have the A1 tearpad, but still a good price)
Green Giant Klondike Rose Potatoes
5lb bag, 2.49
Fresh Green Beans, .99/lb.
Exotic Mangoes, 3 for $2
Hy-Vee Blue Ribbon Loin/Pork Chops, 1.99/lb.
Fresh Asparagus, 1.97/lb.
Kraft American Singles (12 oz), 1.49
-$1/2 IP = .99 each!
A1 Steak Sauce, 2.99
-$1 IP = 1.99
use with the $1 off beef wyb A1 tearpad coupon, if you have it to get a better deal on the above ground beef!
Planter's Nuts, 2 for $6
-$1 IP = $2 each!!
Chinet Plates or Bowls, 2 for $5
-$1 IP or 5/3 SS = $1.50 each
Fresh Bacon Wrapped Turkey Tenderloins, 5oz, $1 each!
Right Guard Sport Deoderant, $1
-$1 4/19SS = FREE!!!
Let me know if you found a deal I missed!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Walgreens $5/$25 Coupon
Wow! We haven't seen one of these in a while!! These used to pop up much more frequently, making for some great deals, but they must have been on to us! Well, now the $5 off of a $25 purchase coupon is back, with the fine print clearly stating that the $25 total must be before taxes and after all manufacturer/Wags coupons. Bummer!! But, if you are going anyway and need some bigger ticket items, this coupon may help you get a better deal. Good for today (Wednesday) and Thursday only, May 20 & 21.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Menu Planning
As I wrote my post earlier about my $20 budget at Target each week, I heard a little voice in the back of my head saying "that's 80 bucks each month! On just random 'stuff!'" But as I thought about it some more, I decided that's really so little! And here's why: my grocery store spending is so low each month, being supplemented at Target for all those random snacks and stuff. Here's how i keep my grocery spending low:
1. by using coupons, of course,
2. by matching my coupons up with items that are already on sale and stocking up if it is a really great price,
3. making a menu plan, and
4. by using what I already have!
Menu plan? What's that, you may ask. Well, since learning the "art" of couponing about a year ago, I've learned many ways to save a buck, thanks to all those savings blogs out there. I am not a die-hard menu-planner, but I do try to stick to it each week. The big bonus--I don't have to go to the grocery store as often!!
In my old ways of doing things, I would think of some recipes that sounded good for the coming week, I'd write out all the ingredients that I needed but didn't have (usually all of them!) and then I'd go to the store to get everything on my incredibly long list, and then be mad as I walked out of the store $100 poorer and with what seemed like so little in my shopping bags.
Now, I plan my menus around what I already have in my house, not around what "sounds good" at the moment. I just look in my fridge, freezer, deep freeze, and cabinets for inspiration. Here's how it shaked out this week:
Now, one important suggestion is this: plan your meals around what you have going on that day. Like Thursday, I'm scheduled at work till 6:30. So, I planned something microwaveable for that night because by the time I get home, it better be something quick or else the kids will be hellians by the time dinner gets on the table. Be realistic with your time and what you'll be able to pull off. This will help you stick to your plan so you aren't tempted to grab carryout on your way home. Plus, sticking to the plan keeps a certain list in your hand when you go to the store--don't be tempted to stray from the list. Impulse buys are where you'll rack up the most cost.
Now, I'm a snacker. I snack all day long. And you'll notice I planned out nothing for snacking. And I didn't plan out lunches for during the week either (-that we just make up from left-overs and whatever is on hand). But all those free and cheap snacks I get at Target each week for right around $20...doesn't make me feel so bad about spending that money now...my food bill for the week is only $30. No, it's not gourmet eating. I'm not eating organic or anything either. But, its home-cooked meals with a variety of fruits and veggies thrown in there and overall a healthy plan. And who can knock that?
1. by using coupons, of course,
2. by matching my coupons up with items that are already on sale and stocking up if it is a really great price,
3. making a menu plan, and
4. by using what I already have!
Menu plan? What's that, you may ask. Well, since learning the "art" of couponing about a year ago, I've learned many ways to save a buck, thanks to all those savings blogs out there. I am not a die-hard menu-planner, but I do try to stick to it each week. The big bonus--I don't have to go to the grocery store as often!!
In my old ways of doing things, I would think of some recipes that sounded good for the coming week, I'd write out all the ingredients that I needed but didn't have (usually all of them!) and then I'd go to the store to get everything on my incredibly long list, and then be mad as I walked out of the store $100 poorer and with what seemed like so little in my shopping bags.
Now, I plan my menus around what I already have in my house, not around what "sounds good" at the moment. I just look in my fridge, freezer, deep freeze, and cabinets for inspiration. Here's how it shaked out this week:
- Monday: leftovers night (we had tons of odds & ends in the fridge from the weekend that had to go. Wa-la! Dinner!!)
- Tuesday: Ham (free at Target this week), veggies (frozen, snagged 'em for .24 at Walmart a while back), and a noodle side (like Lipton, less than a buck at Dillons a while back)
- Wednesday: Beef stir-fry with noodles (Beef was free at Target last month, noodles I had in the pantry; will need to buy a bag of stir-fry veggies; will use up some water chestnuts and bamboo shoots I have in the pantry)
- Thursday: Hot dogs (snagged 'em for about $1 a few months back; been in the deep freeze), chips, a frozen veggie or canned fruit I have in the pantry
- Friday: Shrimp Alfredo pasta (have the noodles on hand, bought for .99 at HyVee last month, shrimp was in the freezer from Costco, Alfredo was on sale this week at Target-got it last night), need to buy a bunch of Asparagus.
- Saturday: probably gonna be movie night so we'll have some frozen appetizers ie Pizza rolls (.24/box at Dillons after coupons a while back) and Fridays tater skins (got 'em FREE after coupon at Hen House a couple months ago)
Now, one important suggestion is this: plan your meals around what you have going on that day. Like Thursday, I'm scheduled at work till 6:30. So, I planned something microwaveable for that night because by the time I get home, it better be something quick or else the kids will be hellians by the time dinner gets on the table. Be realistic with your time and what you'll be able to pull off. This will help you stick to your plan so you aren't tempted to grab carryout on your way home. Plus, sticking to the plan keeps a certain list in your hand when you go to the store--don't be tempted to stray from the list. Impulse buys are where you'll rack up the most cost.
Now, I'm a snacker. I snack all day long. And you'll notice I planned out nothing for snacking. And I didn't plan out lunches for during the week either (-that we just make up from left-overs and whatever is on hand). But all those free and cheap snacks I get at Target each week for right around $20...doesn't make me feel so bad about spending that money now...my food bill for the week is only $30. No, it's not gourmet eating. I'm not eating organic or anything either. But, its home-cooked meals with a variety of fruits and veggies thrown in there and overall a healthy plan. And who can knock that?
This Week's Steals at Target
Okay, lemme start off by saying I've decided I need to stick to a $20 budget each week at Target. There are just too many dang good deals that I've been too tempted to scoop up and I've probably been spending too much, while spending so little!!! Ironic, huh?? 8) Here's what I got last night, in a nutshell:
3 Wrigley's Gum (Yes, still getting free gum with those free pack MQs, 3/15 SS)
2 100calorie packs 1.93 each - $1 TQ = .93 each!
2 Nabisco Snack Packs 1.52 each - $1 TQ = .52 each!
8 Quaker True Delights granola bars, $2.74 each - $1 IP - $1 TQ = .74 each!
2 Velveeta shells & Cheese 1.50 - 1.50/2 IP = .75 each
1 Ragu pasta sauce. 1.25, NO coupon...impulse buy
2 Archer Farms ham steaks, both around 1.80 each - $2 TQ = FREE+
3 Polar peach and pear jars .85 each, NO coupons...but the kids love these
1 loaf bread. No coupon, just needed it 1.39
3 Pink Lady apples (my fave!) 1.79 - $1 TQ = .79!
1 Diet Dr Pepper Cherry 12pk 4.49 now...bummer! - $1 TQ - $1 MQ (found inside pkg) = 2.49
2 Dry Idea deodorants, $2 - $2 IP (coupons.com) = 2 FREE
3 Dove trial deodorants .97 each - $1 MQ (does not exclude trial size) = FREE+
4 Fiber One bars 2.29 each - 2x 1.35 IP, -2x $1 IP = $4.50 OOp + $5 GC for buying 4 = MM
Total before coupons: $65
After coupons: $24.54 . . . before you persecute me for going over budget, remember I did get that $5 GC back so technically, I came in .47 UNDER budget. Yippie!! That's a load of stuff for 20 bucks!!
This Week's Steals at Wags
Got some goodies at Wags, too. I snagged...
- A cooler bottle for $2.50, sale this week
- Bayer with Heart Advantage, clearanced to $1.69 - $2 IP = .31 overage
- 1 Ivory 3pk bar soap .99, sale this week
- 1 Colgate Sensitive, 4.49 -.75 MQ = 3.74OOP + 4.49 RR = MM
- 1 Right Guard deoderant 2.99 - $1 MQ = 1.99 OOP + 2 RR
By the way, the Bayer glucose meter deal is DEAD! It's now ringing up at $79.99!! How these can go from $80 to $15 is beyond me, but whatever. So, no more $5 MM for us! BUMMER!!
This Week's Steals at CVS
Here's what I got at CVS this week...and a peek at what you could do with your own ECBs...
**HINT: One of the two CVS stores by my house has a bunch of clearance items in baskets up by the check-outs...75% off!! See what your store has to offer!**
- 1 KC Star 2.00
- 1 Colgate Maxfresh toothpaste 2.99 (-$1 MQ) + 2 ECB = FREE
- 2 Adidas deoderant (These were the Intensive scent that are clearanced to 2.50 each, and are producing the 3 ECBs like all the other scents!) If you can't find the Intensive scent, then all other scents are 3.99 (-$1 MQ or $1 peelies found on some deoderants --I found mine on some at Wags = 2.99 OOP + 3 ECB = FREE
- 2 Mini Wheats cereals 3.33 ea (I used a BOGO Q and a $1 Q I got by mail, but there are several $1 IPs out) ...
- 1 Kellogg's Special K bars 3.33 ea (I used a $1 peelie I found at HyVee) ... 5 ECB wyb 3 Kellogs. I ended up paying $4.67 OOP and received 5 ECB back....FREE+!!
- 2 Lumene travel kits on clearance for 1.25 each. I had a $3 off Lumene CRT which gave me both FREE plus .50 overage!!
I got all this in 2 transactions. Pd .60 in cash and 1.17 on my gift card and gained one ECB. Not bad!!!....total cost: 77 cents!
Mail Bag Monday...5/4
Quite a few more freebies came right to my door this past week. Here's what I got:
- Huggies Pure & Natural Sample pack. Included 3 size 2 diapers, a Huggies zipper bag for the diaper bag, and a $3 coupon. Requested from Walmart.com; deal is no longer available. (But several other freebies available from their site, so check it out.)
- Jergen's Natural Glow lotion sample and coupon. I believe I also got this from Walmart, no longer available.
- A cute little pack containing a sample of Kellogg's Mini Wheats with a BOGO coupon and FIVE $1 coupons....these came in handy this week at CVS~~ Can we say FREE cereal?!?! This was from Vocalpoint. Become a member here.
- A Sample of Crest Enamel Protect toothpaste. I believe this was also from Walmart, no longer available.
- A $2 Rebate check...I think this was for the Orajel I bought last month but am not 100% positive!
- And a coupon booklet from Home Made Simple, including several product coupons and a coupon for a FREE product from cascade.
B&BW VIP Tote $15 w/ Purchase

Isn't this cute?? Another great deal at Bath & Body Works!! These cute totes, chalk-full of full-size products retailing $114 will be available starting May 8. Apparently these went REALLY fast last year so if you want one, I'd make it a point to stop in ON May 8th. The deal is this: tote is $15 with any $40 purchase. I'm thinking you could pair this with a $40 gift-set purchase to get your FREE Signature Collection item with coupon OR make any other $40 purchase and use the $10/$30 coupon to make your deal even sweeter! I don't think they'll let you use both the $10/$30 Q AND the Free Product Q in the same transaction, but you could certainly try!!
Free Sample Alert

Free Reusable Tote

I'll be sending in my receipt for the .39 Kraft Mac & Cheese I got last week at Target so I can snag this great reusable shopping tote from Kraft foods and Rachael Ray!! Want one for youself?? Check out the site to see what products qualify.
Free Sample Alert

Another playtex sample. Man, you can get so many free samples from Playtex and Kotex that you hardly ever have to BUY any!! Go HERE for your sample!
Free Subscription to KIWI Mag

I used cringe when sending in a payment for a magazine because I like reading them...when I have time. But feel bad throwing them out 6 months after I received them.... still unread! Since I've started 'couponing,' I've only paid for one subscription: All You magazine, and that was so I could get the coupons inside! I've so far received subscriptions to Parents, Good Housekeeping, Wonder Time, and now to Kiwi mag...for FREE. Go HERE to sign up for MomsMeet, an online moms networking site, and you'll receive your free subscription to Kiwi as well as a few coupons from Earth's Best baby/toddler foods.
Free Signature Item at B&BW with Purchase

Bath & Body Works is offering a new coupon: Free Signature Collection Body Care Item (up to $12 value) with the purchase of any pre-assembled gift set purchase. If you are thinking of getting something like this for your Mom or Mother-in-Law for Mother's Day (THIS weekend, ladies!!), then take this coupon along with you for an added bonus for yourself! And don't forget to check out their discounted merchandise. I just got 4 gift sets the other day at 40% off, plus was able to use a coupon. Great deals!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
KMart Double Coupon Event!!

What's up with KMart?? It seemed that KC got passed up whenever KMart had a double coupon event for the past few months. Now there is another deal going on just a week or so after the last!! Well, if you missed out on the triple coupon event a couple weeks ago, then you can get in on this double event. Not as great as triples, but nice, none-the-less. This week only, they are doubling coupons up to .75!! I am gonna stay away this week since I got my fill the other day. But, I will warn that while I was able to use IPs my first trip last week, they would not let me use them the second time in, so I would call ahead of time to be sure they are taking them. Also, I've had trouble in the past with $x/x coupons (ie $.50/2) because if the items are only .75 to begin with, you'll only get the .75/2 instead of $1/2 because it won't give you $$off over the value of the first item. Just a helpful hint.
Have fun!
Tulle $7 & Under Sale !!!

So a while back, there was an AWESOME deal on pea coats from this site. Something like $200 coats on clearance for $15. I tried and tried to get in on this deal and the website was bogged down big-time. But, I think I'll try again to get in on some deals on Tuesday. They are having a "Tullesday Sale" 5/5-5/7 where 100 items will be $7 or less! So, if you need any new duds, check out their preview here. This is a funky collection--kind of reminds me of Anthropology's style. Cute!
Awesome Deal on an Awesome stroller

Joovy has a couple sit/stand strollers on special right now: The blue check model is $119 and the Red/Black model is $129 (These are regularly $200 strollers!!), both with FREE shipping!! We've been holding out on the sit/stand 'cuz I didn't think Jack was quite ready for it. But, with summer here and trips to Deanna Rose and the zoo coming up, you better believe we need one. I just snagged the blue one today...if you, or someone you know, is in the market for a new ride for your kids, hurry on over before they are gone!!
Lots of New Printables to Snag!
Scurry on over to Coupons.com to check out their newly available coupons. Since it's a new month, many of last month's offers have been reset. And there are many new offers worth printing as well. I'd go ahead and print what you want, because A. some may go fast, and B. sometimes they'll randomly reset them, meaning you could score 4 instead of 2!
Some of my favorites:
$2 off California Pizza Kitchen frozen pizzas (These are usually priced around $5 at Target)
$1.50 off Clorox2 (I'm saving this for a possible future sale??)
$3 off Huggies Pure & Natural diapers (These are AWESOME, but only go up to size 2)
$1.25 off DiGiorno pizza (frequently on sale at area grocery stores...possibly now at Cosentino's??)
$2.50 off Pedigree DentaStix
$2 off Dry Idea deoderant (I think this is still priced at $2 at Target...=FREE)
Some of my favorites:
$2 off California Pizza Kitchen frozen pizzas (These are usually priced around $5 at Target)
$1.50 off Clorox2 (I'm saving this for a possible future sale??)
$3 off Huggies Pure & Natural diapers (These are AWESOME, but only go up to size 2)
$1.25 off DiGiorno pizza (frequently on sale at area grocery stores...possibly now at Cosentino's??)
$2.50 off Pedigree DentaStix
$2 off Dry Idea deoderant (I think this is still priced at $2 at Target...=FREE)
Target Deals as of 5/3

Target continues to deliver on the deals! I'm most excited about the Quaker True Delights for 50 cents per box!! They are priced at $2.50. Use the $1 TQ AND this $1 IP (appears to be an unlimited print coupon!!! Yippie!!) = .50 each!! These are SOO yummy!!
Check out Hip2Save's list of current deals here.
CVS Deals 5/3 - 5/9

I wasn't as thrilled with the CVS ad this week. Only a couple things I'll be stopping in for. (I'm glad I don't have any ECB expiring this week so I don't have to stress about using them all up!)
Adidas Deoderant this week $3.99, plus 3ECB (Limit 3)
use the $1 coupon in the 4/5 RP = FREE after ECB and coupon!
***DEAL ALERT: the "Intensive" scent is on clearance at many stores. Mine has it for $2.50; other stores reportedly have theirs marked around $1.25. Be sure to look for that scent, specifically, as this will be a money maker even without the coupon!
Colgate Max Fresh / Max White toothpaste $2.99, plus 2 ECB (Limit 2)
use the $1 or .75 coupon in the 4/26 SS = .25 each or FREE
Select Kellogg's Cereals 3/$10, plus 5 ECB wyb 3
use various $1 IPs from here, get three boxes for $7 OOP, plus the 5 ECB, making them .67 each!
Those are the only deals I'm really going for, but if you want the full list, please check out Hip2Save's list of coupon match-ups.
Happy shopping!
Walgreens Deals 5/3 - 5/9

There are several more deals worth checking out at Walgreens this week. I must say, I don't think I'm going to miss the Easy Saver Rebates much...although the ES coupons were nice to combine with MQs but they have had enough "Free After RR" deals lately to make it fun.
MoneySavingMom & Hip2Save both have great lists to check out with coupon match-ups.
Don't forget to try to get the Countour glucose meter (if you have the freebie coupon) for the $5 MM. Also, a great filler item this week is the Arizona tea, .59 with in-ad coupon. Use this to even out your product-to-MQ ratio (Remember you can only have as many MQs as you have items, and RRs count as a MQ. So, using the tea w/ WQ (which doesn't count toward your MQ count) will be a cheap way to even that out.
I'm planning my trip for this afternoon. I'll let you know how I do!!
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