Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Deals of the Day !!!

I don't have to go in to work till this afternoon. So, I took advantage of the morning off by doing a little grocery shopping. I got the week's worth of groceries for $52, which I consider to be pretty good. And I got some exceptional deals along the way that I thought I'd share with you.

Mentos gum on sale $2/2 - $1 MQ (3/1 SS) = FREE (well, you just pay tax. I pd $.16 for 2 packs)
this sale good thru Saturday

Price Chopper:
Skippy Peanut Butter on sale $.88 - $.60 MQ (1/18 RP) = $.28 each! There is a limit of 2 and this sale ends today. I plan to run in once more to get 2 more for the Harvester's bin)

Ziplock expandable bottom bags on sale $1/2!!! - $1/2 MQ (2/22 SS) = FREE!! (again, you just pay tax. I got 18 boxes for $.72!!!! this sale also ends today, so if you have these coupons, I'd hurry in!!


  1. Hi! Just ran across your blog on another site and wanted to say hi to a fellow KCer. What part of the city are you in? I'm downtown but work at KU Med so I end up all over the place. If you get a chance, stop by my blog and check out my Ziploc escapades. I don't think I'll ever have to buy another Ziploc for the rest of my life!

  2. ThriftyPuppy:
    Sorry I didn't respond for so long...I didn't realize I had a comment! I'm excited to see someone different looking at my blog...really I just started this for my friends who are beginner couponers!! I'll definitely check out your site...
    btw: are you an RN?? I work at Children's Mercy...
