So I call this my "won't pay more than..." list. Many of you have asked "what's a good price for...(x product)" Here's my answer for you. The below amounts are my target prices for certain items. When I find one of these items for this price on sale or with coupon (or both!) then I stock up. That way I don't get stuck paying full price for it when I run out. You can use this as a guide to help you spot a great price when you see one!
travel size products: FREE (nope, won't pay a dime. Ain't gonna do it!)
tampons: $2 per box
liners: FREE
shampoo: FREE (I've found there is absolutely NO reason to EVER pay for shampoo!)
facial cleansers: $2
hand soap or dish soap: $.50
razors: FREE
deoderant: FREE
toothpaste/toothbrushes: FREE
band-aids: $1 or less
kids soap: FREE (thank Heaven for Johnson's Buddies!!)
baby wipes: $1 per tub
diapers: $.15 or less per diaper
flavored drinks (joint juice, sobe, vitamin water): FREE
BBQ sauce: $.50 or FREE
salad dressing: $.50 or FREE
ketchup: less than $1
salsa: less than $2 per jar
spaghetti sauce: around $1 per jar
pasta: less than $1 per box
mac 'n cheese: $.50 or less
velveeta: $3
crackers and snacks: $1 per box
granola bars and fruit snacks: $1 per box
cereal & pop-tarts: $1
yogurt multi-packs: $1
shredded cheese: $1
frozen pizzas: $2.50
frozen waffles and pancakes: $1.50
frozen entrees: $1
hot dogs and lunch meat: $1
cleaning products: $1
toilet paper: $.25 per roll
Hope this helps!! I will link it under "guides" and "info" on my right sidebar for your future reference!
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