So, is it really worth is to take advantage of KMart doubles, you ask?? Well, you be the judge! I made 3 trips to KMart during their doubles deals last week. Here are the pics of my loot from each trip in. The above photo is of $99.75 worth of merchandise. I paid $12.86 OOP!! (of course I got to the car and realized "DUH!! I had a GC I could have used!!" Just more reason to go back later in the day!! )
Trip number 2 resulted in $70.13 in merchandise; paid $12.41 on my gift card. (I had received this during the Pull-Ups catalina promo a while back when my cat didn't print and I got a GC instead)
Trip three got me $44.70 in product for $1.59 on my GC and $2.86 cash.
All in all, I got $214.58 worth of stuff for $29.72 !!! (And $14 of that was paid for with a Gift Card!!) Yippie!! I love KMart Doubles!!
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