Well, guys, it's been fun being on the CouponCrazed train, but I think I need to change my focus. I've had so much fun couponing over the last couple years, but I think instead of a hobby, it's become more of an obsession. I guess that sounds crazy; but I guess what I really mean is that it's become work. Saving money should be fun! So, I'm changing my focus a bit.
I got in the mode of feeling "required" to make a stop at CVS, Wags, Target, Hen House, Hy-Vee, and Price Chopper at least once per week to get in on all the deals. AND, to then come home and blog about it. I have been falling short in my duties. I have failed you!! See--something must change!! Yes, I've saved lots of money and been able to increase my stockpile. But, for that very reason, I'm just not feeling the pressure to get it all done any more. I have plenty. I need very little. So why put all that pressure on myself, right?
I have a hubby, 2 kiddos, a part-time job. I simply do not have time to run all over town between naps on my 2 days off getting all my deals in, and still have time for cleaning, laundry, all the other misc to-do's, and (most importantly) quality time with the kids.
The result: a new blog!! "CouponCrazed" seemed limiting...like the focus should all be on couponing. Since I'm breaking away from that a bit, I've started an all new blog with a title I think fits my place in life perfectly: Saving My Sanity & Cents! I hope that you will join me in my new endeavor. My plan for the new blog is to list the best deals, opportunities for freebies and samples, money- and time-saving tips for shopping, beauty, and household upkeep. Crafts for the kids, bargain hunting galore, and anything else that sparks my fancy. My real goal is to share all I know about saving money so that others can reap the rewards I have gained in the last few years.
Link over to the new blog now. You'll find it's not all that different in layout, complete with labels on the side to help you navigate. And don't worry...the Holiday Help button is still in play!!! Go! I already have it up and running with posts just waiting for you (and freebies, too! YES!! I said FREEBIES!!!)
Thanks to all of you who have "followed" me on this journey. I hope that you will follow me on over to the new site!
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